Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez
Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla (España)
Resumen de investigación:
I am a computational ecologist working at the intersection between ecology, biogeography, statistics and data science. My main research line focuses on better understanding and forecasting climate change effects on biodiversity, by coupling field observations with computational approaches based on big datasets, complex statistical models, and reproducible workflows.
My research spans multiple hierarchical scales: from ecological (years, decades) to geological (million years), from field plots to entire continents, and from individuals to populations, species and communities. I am particularly interested in developing new quantitative methods and software tools to facilitate reproducible research and investigate plant demography, community dynamics, species interactions and range shifts under climate change.
I also teach several statistics and programming courses every year. I am fond of incorporating state-of-the-art data science techniques to deliver top-quality reproducible research. I am founding member and have been coordinator of the ‘R Users Group’ in Sevilla and the Ecoinformatics working group of the Spanish Terrestrial Ecology Association (AEET), which aims to foster good statistical and programming practice among ecologists.
Interés profesional dentro del grupo:
Compartir conocimientos sobre programación, estadística, y docencia en ciencia de datos