Ecoinformatics symposium at MEDECOS-AEET meeting
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the symposium
Ecoinformatics: data science brings new avenues for ecology
at the XVI MEDECOS - XIII AEET meeting, 31 January – 4 February 2017, Seville, Spain.
Open access databases, open programming and advanced statistical methods are boosting the ability to solve complex long-standing questions in ecology. This symposium will bring together computational and theoretical ecologists, data scientists, and scientific programmers to showcase unique insights and conceptual advances made possible through ecoinformatics approaches.
Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Roberto Salguero-Gómez (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) who will talk about “low hanging fruits and future directions in comparative demography”.
We welcome contributions (both oral and posters) dealing with any aspect of ecoinformatics, including statistics, modelling, programming, and analysis of large ecological datasets. Please submit your abstract before 5th September 2016 through the meeting website.
The symposium is organised by the newly created AEET Ecoinformatics working group.
For more information please visit the conference website or write to
Looking forward to your contributions and meeting you all in Sevilla next February!
The conveners,
Ignasi Bartomeus, Sara Varela, Antonio J. Pérez-Luque y Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez